Teen book club: "If I Stay" by Gayle Forman

Now available: If I Stay by Gayle Forman. Check out the trailer below.

It's the next book for the Teen Book Club Chat, so be sure to reserve your copy today!

Poll: Online book club

Are you a member of the online book club? We want to know what you think!

Is the Teen Online Book Club working out for you? Have you participated in any of the events? Do you totally hate it?

Please take the survey and let us know!

Poll: what would you like to see at your library?

Be sure to take our poll in the sidebar:

What kinds of programs or activities would you like to see at your library?

If there's something not on the list, just leave a comment on this post.

Stop by the library, mention that you took our poll, we'll give you some free stuff as a token of our appreciation!

Fine Free Friday

Return your books, CDs, DVD, or other overdue materials (including inter-library loan and San Diego Circuit books) on the last Friday of each month and we'll get rid of the fines for those items!

Friday, July 30, all day.