Monday, October 25, 2010
By Cardiff by the Sea Library
Return your books, CDs, DVD, or other overdue materials (including inter-library loan and San Diego Circuit books) on the last Friday of each month and we'll get rid of the fines for those items!
Friday, October 29, all day.
Thursday, October 14, 2010
By Cardiff by the Sea Library
Another week, another wall torn down. Lines have been painted to mark the future curved wall around the kids' area and south entrance.
The west wall has been removed from the community room:
The concrete around the foundations has also been removed, in preparation for the new boundaries and the outdoor patio around the south end of the building.
More pictures are available on our
Flickr page.
Sunday, October 10, 2010
By Cardiff by the Sea Library
Calling on teens to come RAWK OUT! It's a special after-hours session of Rock Band. Snacks and drinks provided.
Friday, October 22, 5 PM - 6:30 PM.
Saturday, October 09, 2010
By Cardiff by the Sea Library
We're now into the second phase of our construction. In our
last construction photo update, the front desk had been relocated, a new self-checkout counter and book return had been installed, and work had just begun on the community room.
Now, nine months later, there have been even more changes. After our groundbreaking ceremony on September 16, construction began in earnest on the south side of the library.
It took about a week to prepare the old kids' area and south side of the building for the coming demolition.
Fences were placed around the south part of the building:
Once the interior wall was put up . . .
. . . demolition could begin on the south side of the building:
The Friends of the Library will endeavor to keep the Book Nook open as much as possible. For now, the bookstore is setup in the community room, accessible from within the library.
The kids' area has been relocated to the northwest corner of the building. The teen section is on the north-facing book shelves. The whole area is a bit smaller, so our materials collection has been temporarily reduced. Once construction is finished sometime next spring, the kids' and teens sections will be moved back to the southwest corner, and will be about double the size of the old space.
That's it for now! More pictures are available on our
Flickr page.
Thursday, October 07, 2010
By Cardiff by the Sea Library
We're winding down our celebration of
Banned Books Week. We created wall of books right by the north entrance, and filled it with eye-catching books and caution tape. Fiction classics, kids, teens, and nonfiction books have been banned or challenged in other library systems. We display them proudly!
Here at
SDCL, we don't believe in banning books. In fact, we encourage you to check them out and share them.